Monday, May 26, 2014

What is the best way to keep my personal energy levels high each day?

What are some mental, physical, and social secrets from people that seem to have limitless energy each day and seem to do so much?

Eat well (actual food your grandmother would recognize, mostly vegetables and nuts)
Sleep well (enough)
Drink tons of water
Exercise. Walk a little further, bike if you can, enjoy your surroundings

Understand exactly how what you are doing at every moment in time is getting you closer towards your ultimate goals in life that really mean something. It helps a lot if this cause is greater than yourself. 

Be willing to put yourself in uncomfortable situations with some degree of regularity. It will build confidence and adaptability when faced with adverse situations.

Schedule ahead of time with google calendar, set up text reminders. 
'if you don't decide beforehand what it is that you're going to be doing each day, chances are someone else will'. 

Use a song that you know lasts for a specific amount of time to help you through regular habits you want to keep. 

Share everything you know (or think you know.) You may be surprised at how much you may learn, as well as how the social human animal produces more meaning when synergizing with others. The most damaging thing you can do to your greatest ideas is to keep them to yourself. 

Take initiative. If you don't do it, someone else will. Your influence grows only weaker for every moment spent idle. Be ready to reach out to others and don't be afraid of asking for or expressing what you want. 

Also on the mental level, be positive! Positive people tend to have a lot more energy. Make a list of five things you're grateful for every day. Tell your friends and colleagues what you like about them. Tell yourself too. Laugh it off when bad things happen, and double-down to fix them.

Wherever possible, do things that you really love. Don't just collapse at the end of the day. Instead, fix yourself a tasty and healthy meal and spend time with loved ones or working on something you love. This is even better if you can actually do something you love and are passionate about for your career.

Clean and de-clutter your'll be surprised how much the mess was affecting your energy levels.


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